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Miraculous Shankhpushpi For Healthy Brain and Mind

Shankhpushpi is rich in those qualities which are found in many plants, fruits, and herbs are used in medicine to get rid of serious diseases. The specialty of this plant is that its flowers which are conch shaped.

What is Shankhpushpi

Shankhpushpi is a type of vegetation found in stony forests. Its scientific name is Convolvulus Pluricaulis. This plant is mainly found in three colors (white, red and blue), but especially the white-colored plant is used for medicine. It mixes in the soil in the fall of winter and thrives on its own in the rainy season.

Its stems extend to a length of about one and a half feet. At the same time, its root is one to two inches long and has the same thickness as the finger. Its leaves smell like radish when mashed.

This plant is included as an herb in Ayurveda due to its miraculous medicinal properties and its root, leaf, stem, and flowers are used to overcome many complex diseases.

Benefits of Shankhpushpi

Memory Improvement

Shankhpushpi has been given the status of nervous tonic in Ayurveda. The reason is that it contains elements such as tryptanoids, flavonol glycosides, anthocyanins, and steroids. These elements may also prove to be helpful in brain development and memory improvement along with other medicinal properties. For this reason, the use of it can prove beneficial in the problem of memory loss.

Relief from Weakness

The benefits can be seen in removing mental weakness as well as physical weakness. Indeed, research conducted on blood sugar patients in this regard found that those using Shankhpushpi were not only found to be stronger mentally but also showed considerable improvement in their physical appearance.

On this basis, it would not be wrong to say that the regular can also prove helpful in removing physical weakness.

Mental Hyper Sensitivity

Mental hypersensitivity is a state of mind in which no human being balances his feelings. Because of this, he gets emotional about small things. Many kinds of good and bad thoughts start coming to the victim’s mind regarding the present and future, which are reflected in the form of anger, depression, and anxiety.

In this regard, a research conducted on patients suffering from blood sugar problem found that the use of conch shell is a function of preventing emotional and excess emotion in humans. For this reason, it can be believed that the benefits of Shankhpushpi can be seen in getting rid of the problem of mental hyper sensitivity.


Shankhpushpi can also be used to overcome the problem of depression. Indeed, research on This has found that its use can give beneficial results in disorders such as anxiety, sorrow, fear, and depression. For this reason, it can be believed that it can be a better option to overcome the problem of depression.


Shankhpushpi is considered as a miraculous medicine used for mental and intellectual development. According to experts, this drug provides impressive results in disorders related to intelligence, attention, concentration, memory, and nerve by removing stress and increasing brain capacity. For this reason, it can be believed that the benefits of Shankhpushpi can also prove helpful in increasing concentration.


The use of Shankhpushpi can prove to be very helpful in relieving stress. The reason is that it has properties such as reducing the effects of aging, increasing mental stimulation, controlling anger and releasing stress. Therefore, it can be said that Shankhpushpi can be used as an anti-stress (stress reliever) medicine.


Shankhpushpi is a wonderful medicine, which is especially used for mental and intellectual development. At the same time, it also has a special quality that it also works to control the production of adrenaline and cortisol, the hormones that cause stress in the body, which is considered to be a major cause of insomnia problems. For this reason, it can be believed that the miraculous properties of Shankhpushpi can prove to be very beneficial for getting relief from the Insomnia problem.

Mental Fatigue

As mentioned earlier in the article, the conch shell is helpful in controlling the stress-causing hormones adrenaline and cortisol. At the same time, problems like anxiety, anger, insomnia and mental fatigue arise due to excessive stress. For this reason, it can be considered a better option to relieve mental fatigue.

Headache Problems

You have been told earlier in the article that Shankhpushpi is such a medicine, which is considered very beneficial for relieving stress and mental development. For this reason, it is also considered helpful in removing disorders related to intelligence, attention, concentration, memory and nerve . Nervous disorders include stress, anxiety, mental fatigue, and insomnia, which can cause headaches. Therefore, it can be believed that its use may also prove beneficial in headaches.

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a problem in which a person’s concentration decrease and hypersensitivity behavior can be seen. This problem is usually seen in children, but in some situations this problem persists in people even after getting older. There can be many reasons for this problem, such as: – genetic deficiency, habit of intoxication, birth with low weight or brain damage. Overall, it is a nervous disorder, indicating mental weakness.

In this case, Shankhpushpi can be used as a solution to this problem, as it acts like a brain tonic. Actually, it has been mentioned earlier in the article that Shankhpushpi is used as a nootropic medicine i.e. mental and intellectual development.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism spectrum disorder is a mental disorder that occurs due to a lack of mental development. In this problem, the patient generally feels difficulty in interacting and meeting people. Autism spectrum disorder is a disease related to brain development and is considered a drug that improves the functionality of the conch shell (1). For this reason, the miraculous properties of Shankhpushpi can also be considered beneficial in the problem of autism spectrum disorder.

Cough Relaxation

Shankhpushpi is commonly used for mental and intellectual development, but due to its special medicinal properties, it is also used in Ayurveda for problems such as cough, sleeplessness, epilepsy, hallucinations, and anxiety. For this reason, there is no harm in saying that Shankhpushpi can give beneficial results in removing the problem of chronic cough.

High Blood Pressure

A research conducted on the medicinal properties of Shankhpushpi has revealed that its use can also be helpful in alleviating mental illnesses such as ulcers, high blood pressure, epilepsy, vomiting, diabetes, sun stroke and bleeding. In such a situation, it can be said that the miraculous properties of Shankhpushpi can also help in getting rid of the problem of high blood pressure.

Habitual Abortion/Miscarriage

Habitual miscarriage is a condition in which two or more consecutive miscarriages occur on their own. Underdeveloped or weakened uterus is considered to be the main cause of this problem in Ayurveda. However, no scientific evidence is yet available as to how Shankhpushpi cures Habitual miscarriage. Before using Shankhpushpi for habitual miscarriage, it is better to consult the concerned doctor once.

Side Effects of Shankhpushpi

Talking about the loss of Shankhpushpi, so far no ill effects have come to the fore, but in some special cases, its negative effects can definitely be seen.

  • People with low blood pressure should not use Shankhpushpi, as it is considered helpful in reducing blood pressure.
  • It is advisable not to use it during pregnancy. However, no proven reason has yet been found.
  • While using its fresh paste, people may feel difficulty with its taste. The reason is that it tastes bitter

Now you must have known about the medicinal properties of Shankhpushpi. In addition, you must also know which problems its use can give beneficial results. Also, through the article, you have been given complete information regarding the advantages and disadvantages of Shankhpushpi and Brahmi. In such a situation, if you are thinking of using it regularly, then it is better to read all the information given in the article first.

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