You are currently viewing 15 Medicinal Advantages of Neem Tree and Neem Leaves

15 Medicinal Advantages of Neem Tree and Neem Leaves

Advantages of Neem Tree

Neem Tree is a medicinal tree, all parts of which are considered beneficial for health. It belongs to the mahogany family and its botanical name is Azadirachta Indica.

The life of a Neem Tree can be as long as 150-200 years. It is estimated that there are about 18 lakh Neem trees in India.

Neem Tree plays an important role in Indian Ayurveda. It can be used in the treatment of diseases ranging from skin problems to fatal diseases like diabetes and cancer.

Let’s discuss various advantages of Neem Tree, Neem is also known as Azadirachta Indica. This is a restorative plant whose twigs, leaves, seeds even its bark is most useful and apart very helpful.

Neem Tree wood is exceptionally hard due to its medicinal property this wood never gets worms. Creepy crawlies don’t settle in the Neem trunks even termites can’t eat this.

Hence, Neem wood furniture is additionally being made these days. In addition, wood has been utilized for making instruments since old occasions.

Neem is considered to be good for the environment, as much as it is good for the environment. From its leaves to its bark has been used for many small and big problems related to the body.

Neem is rich in antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant and antiviral properties. In addition, it has many properties, which can reduce many types of physical problems.

Empowering its creation and spread and demoralizing unreasonable pulverization of neem trees. Thinking about this nature of neem, the World Health Organization has proclaimed it as the ‘Tree of the 21st Century.

Antibacterial Properties of Neem

Neem Tree and Neem Oil contain antibacterial elements.

This property of Neem Oil can be effective for skin problems. Neem oil can be used on medical advice in the event of itching, rashes, or bacterial infections on the skin. Keep in mind that those whose skin is more sensitive, do not use this oil.

1. Controls Blood Pressure

According to experts, infusion of neem leaves can act to control blood pressure.

A research published on the website of NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) has revealed that neem leaf extract (NLE) can work to normalize hypertension.

At the moment, this test has been done only on mice, more research is still needed to know its effect on humans.

2. Asthma

The benefits of neem oil can also be seen for problems related to the respiratory system like Asthma.

Actually, as traditional medicine, this oil has been used for many physical problems, including asthma. However, how this works on asthma still needs further research.

3. Use of Neem in the treatment of Ulcers

According to research, neem bark extract may show positive effects on gastric acidity and ulcers.

Also, research by NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) mentions the antiallergy properties of neem oil. On this basis, neem properties can be said to play a supporting role in relieving ulcers.

4. Controls Diabetes

Research published on the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) website suggests that neem may exhibit hypoglycemic (blood sugar reduction process) effects.

The hypoglycemic effect may serve to keep blood sugar levels under control. This research was done on rabbits affected by diabetes.

Further, research is needed on how its effect on humans will occur.

5. Digestion

Extracts of neem leaves have antispasmodic (stomach and intestinal spasms) properties. This miracle tree also has the ability to detox (exclude harmful elements) the body. Also, neem can also work to improve digestion.

6. Liver

Neem can be beneficial for the liver. Actually, neem leaves have hepatoprotective i.e. liver-protecting properties. Its leaves can show positive effects on liver-related diseases. For this, juice of neem leaves can be consumed at medical consultation. According to another research, neem flower has a chemo-preventive effect, which can help prevent liver cancer from growing.

7. Benefits of neem in Oral Hygiene

Neem Tree can be effective in solving problems related to the mouth. It is believed that all such mouth cleaner products, which contain neem extracts, can prove to be good for mouth health.

Also, the antimicrobial properties in neem can help prevent bacteria such as streptococcus mutans (Streptococcus mutans) from growing plaque in the teeth.

In addition, neem leaves with anti-inflammatory properties can help in correcting inflammatory conditions in the mouth and teeth. Also neem properties can help prevent bleeding in the gums.

8. Use of neem in Leprosy

Neem can help reduce some symptoms of leprosy. Actually, according to a study published on the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) website, neem seed oil can be used in the treatment of leprosy. It can prevent the spread of this infectious disease due to its antibacterial properties. Here we make it clear that in a condition like leprosy, it is necessary to seek treatment from a doctor. Also, neem home remedies can be done on the advice of a doctor.

9. Use of Neem in the Treatment of Malaria

The benefits of neem can be seen in the effects of malaria and reducing its symptoms. Actually, neem leaves are rich in antimalarial properties, which can act as a malaria drug and help to overcome this problem.

10. Fights Cancer

According to a research published on the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) website, extracts of the neem tree, its seeds, leaves, flowers, and fruits can exhibit chemopreventive and antitumor properties against various types of cancer. In addition, neem extract can also act to stop the spread of cancer cells.

Therefore, the neem tree can be used to prevent cancer from occurring. Also, we should clarify that cancer is a fatal disease. Therefore, if someone has this disease, he should get his treatment by a doctor. It is not appropriate to rely only on home remedies.

11. Neem reduces Cholesterol

NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information has published research in this regard.

According to this research, an extract of neem Tree and its leaves can reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Currently, this research has been done on mice. Further research is needed to find out its effect on humans.

At the same time, if someone has a problem with cholesterol, then he must take the medicine given by the doctor. It is also important to pay attention to food and drink.

It is difficult to control cholesterol just by eating medicine or by taking home remedies.

12. Joint Pain

Neem leaves, neem seeds and bark go about as medication to fix joint inflammation torment. Neem oil rub is additionally helpful in joint inflammation torment. Neem leaves, neem seeds and bark go about as medication to fix joint inflammation torment. Neem oil knead is additionally extremely helpful in joint inflammation torment.

13. Intestinal Sickness

Neem Tree extracts are rich in Gennadiynell Adonin goes about as a medication for intestinal sickness. Additionally, cool the neem leaves in bubbling water and put it in a shower bottle. Showering in the house each day will lessen mosquito perversion.advantage of neem tree

14. Scabies

In the wake of bubbling Neem Tree and its leaves and washing with that water, the scab leaves. Tingling is better if the leaves or blossoms are applied on the skin for a couple of days.

Searing the leaves and blending it in with mustard oil and applying it on the tingle works like enchantment.

Crush a little crude turmeric with neem leaves and apply it on the influenced territory as a glue for 8-10 days to dispose of scabies and old injuries.

At the point when ghee is applied to the injury by fricasseeing neem leaves, the injury recuperates rapidly.advantage of the neem tree.

15. Blood Purification

Neem Leaves juice purifies the blood and brings down glucose levels. It likewise keeps the pulse ordinary by expanding blood dissemination. There is no pair of neem in controlling hypertension

Skin Benefits of Neem Tree Extracts

Neem is rich in anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to quickly heal wounds and rashes on the skin.

1. Neem Oil for Wounds and Rashes


  • Handful of neem leaves
  • Two teaspoons of water

Method of use

  • First of all, grind neem leaves with water and make a paste.
  • You can apply this paste directly to the skin.
  • A paste of neem leaves can be applied on the skin for wounds.
  • A paste of neem leaves or a few drops of neem oil can be used for rashes.
  • Those whose skin is sensitive, do not do this remedy.

2. Neem Oil for Acnes or Pimples

As we mentioned above, Neem tree extracts are enriched with anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It can show positive effects not only on acne but also on fungal and bacterial infections associated with the skin.


  • A handful of neem leaves
  • Two teaspoons of water

Method of Use

First of all, grind neem leaves with water and make a paste.
You can apply this paste directly to the skin.
A paste of neem leaves can be applied on the skin for wounds.
A paste of neem leaves or a few drops of neem oil can be used for rashes.
Similarly, a paste of neem leaves can be applied to the affected area for acne.
Also, with the help of cotton, one to two drops of neem oil can be applied on the acne area.
Those whose skin is sensitive, do not do this remedy.

Hair Benefits of Neem

The benefits of neem for mankind are countless. Neem can prove to be excellent Ayurvedic medicine for hair problems. Let’s know how neem can be used for hair problems.

1. Neem is useful in killing Hair Lice and Nits

Neem can be an effective treatment to get rid of lice and nit. Neem oil has been considered an effective remedy against lice in a scientific research. It can be considered effective in treating head lice especially in children.


  • Four to five drops of neem oil
  • Two tablespoons mustard/coconut oil

Methods of Use

  • Massage the scalp by mixing a few drops of neem oil with mustard or coconut oil.
  • After two hours wash your head with a good shampoo.

2. Benefits of Neem Tree Extracts in dandruff

Neem oil can prove to be nature’s gift to dandruff. Neem oil not only removes dandruff but can also work to keep the scalp clean. Actually, the antifungal properties of neem are beneficial in dandruff.

Mehods of Use

Hair can be massaged with neem oil.
 Hair can be washed using neem oil with shampoo

Besides these anti-fungal effects and properties neem can be used in the following ways.

Neem leaves can be applied as a face mask.
In the form of a
blood purifier, half a teaspoon of neem leaves can be consumed by adding half a cup of water.
A paste of neem leaves can be applied to the wound.

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